Taizy potato washing machine thoroughly cleans the dirt and grit from the top of the potatoes. The machine is available with soft or hard brushes. Potato washing machines with hard brushes also have a peeling function. Our machines are more advantageous than the single-function potato cleaners.

The output of the machine ranges from 700-3000kg/h. Therefore, no matter whether you are a large or small potato processing plant, french fries production line, or food processing plant, our machine can meet your needs.

potato washing machine
potato washing machine

How Does a Potato Washing Machine Work?

Once the potatoes are placed in the machine, the brush rollers will rotate to scrub the material and turn it over continuously. At the same time, the spraying device on the top of the potato washing machine will continuously spray water to rinse off the dirt from the raw material.

brush type potato cleaning machine video

After washing, the potatoes will be discharged in the direction of the rotation of the rollers. The transmission system of the potato washing machine adopts the form of chain and sprocket transmission.

Features of Brush Potato Cleaning Machine

  1. The machine is made of 304 stainless steel, which is sturdy and durable.
  2. Multi-functional.Taizy brush potato cleaning machine has the function of peeling as well.
  3. We can customize the shape of the brush roller for irregularly shaped materials.
  4. The potato cleaning machine work process on the product skin friction is uniform, reducing unnecessary pulp damage.
  5. It can clean and peel many kinds of vegetables and fruits.
  6. Can be fitted with wheels for easy mobility.
discharge port
discharge port
sprinklers and internal brushes
sprinklers and internal brushes

Different Types of Potato Washing Machines

Drum Type Potato Cleaning Machine

Features: This type of machine has a rotating drum where potatoes tumble, utilizing water flow and mechanical brushing to clean the potato surface.

Suitable Applications: Ideal for small scale potato washing, such as in food processing plants, farms, and other high-capacity and high-efficiency settings.

Brush-Type Industrial Potato Washing Machine

Features: These industrial potato washing machines use rotating brush rollers to clean the potato surface. The machine is equipped with a water flow system to enhance the cleaning effect.

Suitable Applications: Suitable for medium to large scale potato washing, including restaurants, farms, and places that require flexibility and ease of operation.

brush potato cleaning machine
brush potato cleaning machine

Air-Floatation Potato Cleaner Machine

Features: Utilizes air-floatation technology, using bubbles and water flow to clean the potato surface and remove impurities and foreign objects.

Suitable Applications: Ideal for places that require thorough and precise cleaning of potatoes, such as high-end restaurants, food processing plants, etc.

Technical Parameters of Potato Washing and Peeling Machine


At Taizy Food Machinery, we have 7 different capacities of potato washing machines for sale. The smallest capacity is 700kg/h, and the largest is 3000kg/h.

small potato cleaning machine
small potato cleaning machine
industrial potato washing machine
industrial potato washing machine

Application of Brush Type Potato Washer Machine

Brush type potato washer and peeling machine is mainly used for washing and peeling potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, radishes, lotus root, yam, winter melon, pumpkin, taro, ginger, garlic, onion, water chestnut, and other fruits and vegetables. The machine can also clean and peel root herbs such as frangipani, golden iron lock, salvia, and so on.

In addition, it can clean and de-skin some seafood, such as scallops, sea oysters, and field snails. Therefore, the Taizy brush type brush potato washer machine has a wide range of applications.

sweat potato
sweat potato

How to Use a Potato Washing Machine?


The worker puts the material into the potato washing machine.

Starting the machine

Press the start button to put the machine into operation.


Open the discharging gate on one side of the machine, and the products can be poured out automatically after peeling.

stock of potatoes washing machine
stock of potatoes washing machine